Mathematics, Data science and AI


「テレマティクスデータがもたらすメリットと未来— 企業と共に研究テーマを探る —」7/9(火)に開催します”The Benefits and Future of Telematics Data: Exploring Research Themes with Companies” will be held on Tuesday, July 9th.


(English follows)

システム情報工学研究群とMDA教育推進室の共催で、筑波大学所属の学生のみなさん、また 教職員の皆様を対象として、「テレマティクスデータがもたらすメリットと未来— 企業と共に研究テーマを探る —」を開催します。




 「テレマティクスデータがもたらすメリットと未来— 企業と共に研究テーマを探る —」

日時:2024年7月9日(火) 13:45~15:15


場所:学 生:第3エリア 3E 404


1.講演  「テレマティクスデータの特徴と活用事例」

あいおいニッセイ同和損害保険株式会社 デジタルビジネスデザイン部 担当課長 小阪 正太郎

2. 座談会「テレマデータを活用した社会・地域課題解決」





We are pleased to announce a seminar jointly organized by the School of Systems and Information Engineering and the MDA Educational Promotion Office, specifically for students and faculty members of the University of Tsukuba. The seminar is titled “The Benefits and Future of Telematics Data: Exploring Research Themes with Companies.”

Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd. is leveraging automotive driving data collected through telematics car insurance devices, which combine telecommunications and informatics. With big data from 1.8 million vehicles, they collaborate with local governments and companies to address various regional societal challenges.

In this seminar, we will introduce the impact and usefulness of telematics data on society. Through a panel discussion, we aim to explore collaborative research themes that align with students’ interests and curiosities. As a first step towards collaboration, there will also be an opportunity for a business card exchange.

Why not discover themes for your thesis or joint research through a dialogue with Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd.?

This is a perfect opportunity to contribute your ideas to society. We look forward to your participation.

Event: “The Benefits and Future of Telematics Data: Exploring Research Themes with Companies

Date and Time: July 9, 2024(Tuesday, ), 13:45 – 15:15
Audience: Students and Faculty of the University of Tsukuba

Location: Students: Area 3, 3E 404
     Faculty and staff: Online participation available

1.Lecture: “Characteristics and Application Examples of Telematics Data”
Speaker: Seitaro Kosaka, Section Manager, Digital Business Design Department, Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co.,Ltd.
2.Panel Discussion: “Solving Social and Regional Issues Using Telematics Data”

※The participation in the discussion meeting is only for those who wish to join.

Registration: Please register via the web form by Monday, July 8. On-site registration will also be available.